What is Anglicanism?
Thomas McKenzie describes Anglicans exceptionally well in his work The Anglican Way. He notes that Anglican churches have the following characteristics:
Trinitarian – Anglicans believe that there is One God who exists eternally in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Furthermore, we believe that Jesus Christ is completely God and is also completely human. If a religious group does not teach these two doctrines, we do not recognize them as Christian.
Primacy of Scripture – Anglican churches hold that Old and New Testaments together are the Word of God and contain all things necessary for salvation. We believe that the Bible holds authority in questions of God and humanity over all other traditions, arguments, decisions, and values.
Salvation – Anglicans believe that every human being on earth is in need of the saving help of Jesus Christ. We believe that salvation is in Christ alone, by grace alone, through faith alone.
Word and Sacrament – Anglicans believe that a church is a community that gathers around the proclamation of the Word of God and the celebration of the sacraments of Christ. We believe in preaching the whole of the Gospel. We teach that the sacraments are external signs of interior grace, signs commanded by Christ for the building up of his church.
Common Life – We believe that God has called us to live our lives together in Christ. We engage in liturgical disciplines of prayer, worship, and repentance. Anglicans embrace a full life of seasons and hours, fasts and feasts. We are called to lives that are both ordered and creative.
Mission – Anglicans have a mission to the world. This mission is one of both proclaiming the Gospel and living it out. This means that we believe in starting new churches, evangelizing our neighbors, ministering to the poor, and caring for the world.
Apostolic Succession – The church preserves and protects the Gospel through our bishops. They are the successors of the Apostles through heritage, teaching, and character. Our bishops were consecrated by other bishops, who were consecrated by other bishops, all the way back to the Apostles. They have the responsibility of guarding the faith that has been delivered to us, and of serving those whom God has put under their care.
Semper Reformanda – Anglicans are never finished. We are, as the Latin phrase above puts it, “always reforming.” Although we are stabilized by tradition, we are nevertheless looking for ways to better proclaim the Gospel in our own day.
Via Media – As mentioned earlier, this Latin term means “the middle way.” The Anglican Way lives at the center rather than the extremes. We have learned that it’s impossible to be radical about more than one thing. We don’t desire to be radical about politics, traditions, ideas, or even religion. We just want to be radical about the only thing worth being radical about: the amazing love of God in Christ.
Missions and outreach
Annual Events: Grace sponsors several outreach events to the community. During Saturday of Holy Week we celebrate the joy of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ with our Annual Easter Carnival! On the grounds of the church we have several active options for kids (bouncy house, bouncy slide, bouncy obstacle course, fishing pond, Bean bag toss, soccer course, as well as a bicycle obstacle course run by the Sheridan Police Dept. -who have been known to let kids sit in their squad car and even turn on the lights!) A free hot dog lunch, root beer floats and lots of candy were featured as well. It’s always a fun event.
Mulligans Over the years we saw a need for affordable clothing and home goods. We’ve been operating our thrift shop out of the old pro shop open every 1st and 3rd Saturday. Please stop by and support Second Shot Goods!
Around Christmas we provide food baskets to families in the neighborhood that could use a little assistance during this increasingly expensive season. If you’d like to join us in this ministry opportunity, we’d love to have you. Please reach out to us.
Juarez: For many years Grace has been sending teams to Juarez Mexico to build homes for people in impoverished circumstances through the ministry of Casas por Cristo. In April of 2024 we traveled to Mexico with an ambitious group from Sheridan, and friends from other parts of Wyoming to build Maria a new house after her’s tragically burned down. We returned with a new sense of gratitude and purpose. Our plan is to continue to support Casas por Cristo by building homes there on an annual basis. We do an annual fundraiser on Cinco de Mayo (May 5th). This silent auction and Mexican Food Dinner helps pay for the house supplies in Juarez, so please mark your calendars and join us each year. Click here For more information on the ministry of Casas por Cristo.
Sanctuary of Hope: Grace is proud to sponsor a child through the ministry of Sanctuary of Hope in Nairobi, Kenya. Peter has been living at SOH since he was a young boy and is now a teenager. He is active, smart, friendly, and has a tremendous heart for the Lord! You can learn more about sponsoring a child through this unique home for orphans by clicking here.
Free Food Friday: This weekly ministry to HS students began after a local student tragically took his life. Now, each week during the school year, Grace serves lunch to HS students on Fridays. We have been blessed to enjoy helpful partnerships with both the local Papa Murphy’s Pizza Store and the local Dairy Queen, among other businesses. Any HS students are welcome to join us on Fridays during the school year.
Youth: Led by Josh Law, who has been our Youth Minister since we formed in 2010, Students meet at Grace on Sundays from 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Currently both HS and Junior High Students meet together at this time. For more information regarding youth activities or if you are looking to connect, contact Josh Law at (307) 751-2970.
Grace Skate 2024: A new initiative beginning to take shape through Grace is designed to serve kids and families that are looking for deeper connection and purpose via skateboarding, biking, scooters, roller blades, etc. We’ve been meeting 11am - 3pm at our proof of concept location in the old Eagles building off of 5th and Main in downtown Sheridan. You enter through the backdoor in the alley and go to the top floor. Please call Josh for information. 307.751.2970
Prayer Chain: At Grace we often intercede in prayer on behalf of one another. If you have a prayer concern (for yourself or a loved one), you can email it to Betty Wendtland at elksong@fiberpipe.net or call 307-673-7360.